It was the perfect retreat for a troubled company. No cell phones. No BlackBerrys. No cars. Just a luxurious, remote lodge surrounded by thousands of miles of wilderness. All the top officers of the Hammond Aerospace Corporation are there. And one last-minute substitute — a junior executive named Jake Landry. He's a steady, modest, and taciturn guy with a gift for keeping his head down and a turbulent past he's trying to put behind him. Jake's uncomfortable with all the power players he's been thrown in with, with all the swaggering and the posturing.
Bookkeeping For Canadians For Dummies includes information on keeping track of transactions, figuring out balance sheets, and keeping ledgers or journals. It covers how to create financial statements and also shows how to operate accounts for businesses. Small business owners and employees will find that Bookkeeping For Canadians For Dummies also includes relevant, up-to-date tax information. In addition, the book teaches how to recognize the assets and liabilities to the business.
How to Grow as a Musician: What All Musicians Must Know to SucceedProfessional musicians tell how they developed as artists, how they approach performance, and how they handle the business side of the business—offering solace and heartfelt inspiration along the way. How to Grow as a Musician is packed with candid advice on everything from overcoming failure to the art of writing a song to doing that all—important "ego check." It also covers such vital practical areas as the role of contracts, self—promotion, getting and keeping gigs, and managing money.
The Fit Or Fat WomanRather, the percentage of fat in one's body is critical: the average woman's body contains as much as 22% fat, and lower levels are considered unhealthy. The coauthors survey the similarities and differences in men's and women's body builds, their respective metabolic needs and the dynamics of male and female weight loss and gain. They also repeat what we already know: women have a more difficult time keeping fit and trim. The familiar health benefits and psychological boon of exercise are discussed, as well as the problems--e.g., bulimia and anorexia--of overzealous dieting.
Added by: susan6th | Karma: 3133.45 | Fiction literature | 15 March 2010
Twice A Princess
Dearest Godmother, I only have one more match to make to break this curse . . . if only I wasn't distracted by my handsome boss. I know I should stay away from him - I am betrothed to a prince in my country, after all - but Alexander's kindness, his humor and his sexy kisses are keeping me up at night in spite of my better judgment. Your lovelorn goddaughter, Princess Meredith.