Algebra can be a daunting subject. That’s why our new High School Unlocked series focuses on giving you a wide range of key techniques to help you tackle subjects like Algebra I. If one method doesn't "click" for you, you can use an alternative approach to understand the concept or problem, instead of painfully trying the same thing over and over without success. Trust us—unlocking the secrets of Algebra doesn't have to hurt!
How do you define a graphic novel? If you take the term in its literal sense, then you’re looking at single, selfcontained stories, rather than collected serials and ongoing comics. And that would discount most of your favourites. No Dark Knight Returns, no V For Vendetta (both originally serialised), no Love And Rockets (an ongoing title)… Clearly, we weren’t going to go down that route with this list. Instead, this is a selection of our 100 favourite graphic novels, ongoing comics, collected editions and individual volumes of larger series in all genres.
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 3 July 2016
An internationally recognized authority on Chinese history and a leading innovator in its telling, Cho-yun Hsu constructs an original portrait of Chinese culture. Unlike most historians, Hsu resists centering his narrative on China's political evolution, focusing instead on the country's cultural sphere and its encounters with successive waves of globalization.
Infectious diseases have plagued man throughout history. In the era of modern medicine antibiotics and vaccines brought the hope of liberation from the great scourges of smallpox, polio, and tuberculosis. Yet, in the ensuing decades as we hoped to close the book on infectious diseases, we have instead been confronted by wave upon wave of new assailants.