Magazine printed in Germany for German-speaking people (NOT ONLY; all the entries/articles are in English, with some words/idioms translated into German) who want to improve their English.
Magazine printed in Germany for German-speaking people (NOT ONLY; all the entries/articles are in English, with some words/idioms translated into German) who want to improve their English.
Magazine printed in Germany for German-speaking people (NOT ONLY; all the entries/articles are in English, with some words/idioms translated into German) who want to improve their English.
A central source of frustration for most adults with ADHD is that they know what they need to do but they have difficulties turning their intentions into actions. These difficulties also interfere with their ability to use self-help books and to get the most out of psychosocial treatments that provide coping strategies that promise to improve their functioning.
Knowledge Management (KM) is the technique of using the information and knowledge that is supplied to, generated by and inherent in any organization or institution, to improve its performance. This volume demonstrates how KM can be used in education to improve learning.