The most practical reference for the everyday expressions of contemporary American English. This dictionary provides 14,000 examples of usage for more than 7,500 idiomatic forms in American English. Entries have been completely revised and updated to focus on the user's need to know the meaning, usage, and appropriate contexts of each idiomatic phrase.
Данный словарь - переиздание "Словаря американских идиом", вышедшего в 1987 году в издательстве "National Textbook Company" (США). Словарь содержит около 8 тыс. устойчивых словосочеианий английского языка, употребительных в США, с их толкованиями и примерами, иллюстрирующими их употребление в речи. В конце словаря дан алфавитный укзатель слов и словосочетаний. Словарь предназначен для специалистов в области английского языка, для переводчиков, для изучающих английский язык на продвинутом эта-пе.
Essential pocket-sized guides to help learners focus on the most important areas of English. Do you want to understand and use more idioms in English? With over 130 of the most common idioms used in English today, this guide will help you use idioms to talk about many things, including: friends and family; work and business; dating and romance; thinking and learning, and much more.
The Oxford Dictionary of Idioms presents more than 5,000 idioms explaining the meaning and origin of metaphorical phrases, similes, sayings, and proverbs from thoughout the English-speaking world. Full of fascinating and surprising facts, this dictionary is the perfect guide for everyone with an interest in this most colourful and quirky aspect of the English language.