"Why do we do what we do?" In this thought-provoking series of lectures, Allen D. MacNeill examines the surprising - and sometimes unsettling - answers to this most basic of human questions. The remarkable new field of evolutionary psychology takes a scientific approach to the evolution of human nature. Analyzing human behavior in relation to food, clothing, shelter, health care, and sex, Evolutionary Psychology proves an immensely stimulating exploration of human endeavor.
"Why do we do what we do?" In this thought-provoking series of lectures, Professor Allen D. MacNeill examines the surprising - and sometimes unsettling - answers to this most basic of human questions. The remarkable new field of evolutionary psychology takes a scientific approach to the evolution of human nature. Analyzing human behavior in relation to food, clothing, shelter, health care, and sex, Evolutionary Psychology proves an immensely stimulating exploration of human endeavor.
Prepare your students for success in their future careers with Burton’s Microbiology for the Health Sciences, 10e. Featuring a clear and friendly writing style that emphasizes the relevance of microbiology to a career in the health professions, the Tenth Edition offers a dramatically updated art program, new case studies that provide a real-life context for the content, the latest information on bacterial pathogens, an unsurpassed array of online teaching and learning resources, and much more.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | ESP, Medicine | 15 July 2016
This Medical Language Instant Translator provides quick access to useful, medically related information for both laypersons and students entering health related professions. Today we are increasingly exposed to medical terminology, whether it be at the doctor’s offie, on the Internet, or in the media. Analyzing and understanding these terms allow us to participate in important issues affecting our society, as well as to make better decisions about our own health.
Food and cuisine are important subjects for historians across many areas of study. Food, after all, is one of the most basic human needs and a foundational part of social and cultural histories. Such topics as famines, food supply, nutrition, and public health are addressed by historians specializing in every era and every nation.