Relaxation Revolution: Enhancing Your Personal Health Through the Science and Genetics of Mind Body H
While new age types and holistic healers have long argued for the connection between mental attitude and physical health, Western doctors have resisted, largely because of the difficulties with testing the efficacy of ephemeral ideas such as "the placebo effect" and the value of meditation in reducing pain, nausea, and migraines. Benson, of Harvard Medical School, has dedicated his life to proving that meditative responses tangibly improve physical health, reduce illness, and encourage a healthy immune system. To combat skeptics, the authors utilize conventional research methods and rigorously test a variety of illnesses.
This book contains hundred of entries on subjects which children need to know about and will want to llok up and also have wide range of topics like body and health, buildings, inventions etc.
This collection brings together fourteen articles by development practitioners and researchers worldwide and addresses a range of key issues, including: the value of including men in gender equality and anti-poverty work; the difficulties that are likely to arise -- both for men and women -- and how they can they be overcome; practical evidence from different spheres (e.g. in relation to sustainable livelihoods, gender-based violence, sexual and reproductive health); lessons regarding the impact of including men in gender analysis and action; future strategies and directions for development organizations and practitioners
Encyclopedia of Mental Health - Facts on File Library of Health and Living
Because society emphasizes "everyday emotions and overall mental health," claim the authors, they wrote this book to define for lay readers terms associated with various problems, feelings, and treatments. Entries range in length from several sentences to several columns of text, and the book concludes with an appendix of organizations and a bibliography, both categorized by type of disorder or mental health concern. Though the effort to treat such common terms as anger, grief, and mood reflect the authors' regard for simplicity, entries on medicines and some medical terminology tend to be difficult to understand.