When the rains come and the river bursts its banks, Frog, Duck, Pig, and Hare are stranded. But Frog risks his life to save his friends, bringing a happy ending to the tale.
Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь. Учебное пособие к учебнику
Пособие "Мистер Хэлп идет на помощь" адресовано ученикам и их родителям, а также начинающим учителям, работающим по учебнику "Happy English.ru" для 5-го класса (первый год обучения).
Added by: Faisal Mustafa | Karma: 27.39 | Coursebooks » ESP | 24 November 2011
Introduction to Academic Writing
This is an excellent book. It is a wonderful resource not only for teachers but also for students who are learning the English language and writing skills. I am using the entire series in my classes at the college level and the students are really coming together and excelling in their writing due to the exercises in the book. I approve and am happy that the authors came up with such a concept.
Happy Hearts is a three-level course for three to six year old children. The course develops the listening, speaking and pre-writing / pre-reading skills of young learners through art, music and movement. It provides a simple but steady development of new language through a carefully graded syllabus and features engaging characters including Billy, Molly and Kenny the cat, that will appeal to all children of pre-school age.
"Счастливый английский-3" является авторским продолжением популярных учебных изданий "Счастливый английский-1" и "Счастливый английский-2". В издании, написанном на британском английском языке, содержится много познавательного материала об Австралии. Грамматический раздел книги включает необходимый грамматический материал и упражнения, закрепляющие полученные знания.