IELTS Speaking Actual Tests & Suggested Answers (January – May 2020) covers everything IELTS test-takers will need to face the IELTS examiner confidently with highly-effective speaking strategies, advanced vocabulary, useful grammar, etc. Even if your Speaking skill is not perfect, you can hike up your IELTS score to Band 7.0 or higher by using this ebook.
There are plenty of keyword transformation exercises in the final section of the book – specifically compiled for those of you who may have a forthcoming CAE exam. Worth two points each in the certificate of advanced English exam, makes it well worth your while to familiarise yourself with what is expected.
Refreshed with a new design, Oxford Practice Grammar is a three-level English grammar practice series for the classroom or self-study. Its tried and trusted methodology provides clear explanations and lots of extra practice. Includes downloadable progress tests with each level. Oxford Practice Grammar knows that students need different types of explanation and practice at each stage of their study. Basic provides lots of practice and short explanations; Intermediate gives you more detail with extended practice; Advanced gives challenging practice activities and in-depth explanations. Great for classroom or self-study.
English Grammar for Learning Spoken English Conversation
This session of English Grammar will cover advanced topics such as Adjectives, Adverbs, Articles, Cases, Determiners, Preposition, Conjunctions, Speeches, Punctuations & more....