Quantum Leap Thinking concentrates on those areas that most trip us up: fear, lack of motivation, risk-aversion and self-imposed limits. These topics are treated in an easy-to-read style, with easy-to-follow guidelines.
If you're interested in personal change, this is a must read
Written by two of the leading figures in the field, this is a lucid and systematic introduction to semantics as applied to transformational grammars of the "Government-Binding" model. It covers the fundamental constructions thoroughly with analyses, but goes well beyond that core, providing extensive discussion of quantification, binding and anaphora, and ellipsis.
With exercises and guides to further reading, the volume will be a key text for graduate level and advanced undergraduate introductory courses in semantics.
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Has algebra always seemed a bit too radical to you? Well, not anymore! Express Review Guides: Algebra II will help you make sense of the numbers and even the x's and y's of algebra. This quick and easy approach to a "dreaded" mathematical subject makes a matrix seem as easy as 1-2-3.
Algebra can be as easy as 1-2-3 with Express Review Guides: Algebra I. If radicals and quadratic equations just do not add up for you, look no further for fast, targeted lessons that give you the skills you need to make sense of any early algebra problem.