Safe Money in Tough Times: Everything You Need to Know to Survive the Financial Crisis
The “perfect storm” of global economic disaster is now hitting every area of personal finance. Retirement ***s, retiree nest eggs, home prices, and just about everything else of value are being swept away in the chaos. You can either passively try to wait out the storm or take immediate action to protect yourself, your family, and your future.
Financial Institutions and Markets: The Financial Crisis: An Early Retrospective
This book is a collection of research papers that contribute to the understanding of ongoing developments in financial institutions and markets both in the United States and globally, including an in-depth look at topics such as universal access, cost recovery, and payment services; the transparency of global monetary policy; and the crisis of financial regulation.
Pension Fund Risk Management: Financial and Actuarial Modeling (2010)
As pension fund systems decrease and dependency ratios increase, risk management is becoming more complex in public and private pension plans. Pension Fund Risk Management: Financial and Actuarial Modeling sheds new light on the current state of pension fund risk management and provides new technical tools for addressing pension risk from an integrated point of view.
Financial Risk Manager Handbook + Test Bank: FRM Part I / Part II (2010)
The essential reference for financial risk management Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, the Financial Risk Manager Handbook is the core text for risk management training programs worldwide. Presented in a clear and consistent fashion, this completely updated Sixth Edition, mirrors recent updates to the new two-level Financial Risk Manager (FRM) exam, and is fully supported by GARP as the trusted way to prepare for the rigorous and renowned FRM certification. This valuable new edition includes an exclusive collection of interactive multiple-choice questions from recent FRM exams.
A thorough self-help book that will lead you through the process. Examples and worksheets will help you present a convincing financial opportunity to banks and investors in a format they understand.