The Facts on File Illustrated Guide to the Human Body: Digestive System
This book is a concise, illustrated guide to the anatomy, physiology, well-being, and disorders of the human digestive system. It has been written and illustrated specially for students and laypeople interested in medicine, health, fitness, and first aid.
The Facts On File Illustrated Guide To The Human Body:Cells and Genetics
This book is a concise, illustrated guide to the anatomy, physiology, well-being, and disorders of human cells, chromosomes, and genes. It has been written and illustrated specially for students and laypeople interested in cell biology, medicine, health, and hygiene. The subject is dealt with in clear steps, so that the reader can steadily acquire a good overall understanding.
The Facts On File Illustrated Guide To The Human Body: Heart and Circulatory SystemThis book is a concise, illustrated guide to the anatomy, physiology, well-being, and disorders of the human heart and circulatory systems. The subject is dealt with in clear steps, so that the reader can steadily acquire a good overall understanding. Explanatory texts, diagrams, illustrations, captions, and fact boxes are combined to help readers grasp important information at a glance.
The Facts on File Illustrated Guide to the Human Body, Brain and Nervous SystemThis book is a concise, illustrated guide to the anatomy, physiology, well-being, and disorders of the human brain and nervous system. It has been written and illustrated specially for students and laypeople interested in medicine, health, fitness, and first aid. Explanatory texts, diagrams, illustrations, captions, and fact boxes are combined to help readers grasp important information at a glance.
The Facts on File Guide to Style: N. (Writers Reference)
From school papers and e-mails to business reports and legal briefs, people write for personal and professional reasons on a daily basis. Finding a style and voice early on helps people become clear and concise writers, simplifying tasks of all kinds. The perfect companion to "The Facts On File Guide to Good Writing", this book helps readers refine and improve their writing style. "The Facts On File Guide to Style" is a valuable resource for readers and writers of all ages.