Doing Ethnography Today explores the methodologies and theories behind contemporary, collaborative ethnography and provides an opportunity to cultivate experience with included exercises. • Presents ethnography as creative and artful rather than analytical or technical • Emphasises the collaborative nature of ethnography • Structured exercises cultivate practical experience • Includes a discussion on indexing and interpreting project materials • Provides guidance on interview questions and selecting appropriate field equipment
Academic Skills Series: Group Work will give you the skills you need to work well with others, and help you feel confident contributing to group projects at university. Through practical exercises and real-life case studies you will learn how to • form effective groups • assign roles • establish rules • deal with difficult group situations. Collins Academic Skills Series: Group Work will help you to make the most of your time at university. • Ten chapters with clear information and practical exercises • Real-life case studies from university students
Suitable for students whose level of English is Upper Intermediate / CEF level B2 / IELTS 5.5 and higher.
English Grammar Book. KEYS to the Exercises 2.0 version
В этом издании даны ключи к большей части упражнений переработанного учебного пособия English Grammar Book. Version 2.0. С помощью этих ключей можно проверить правильность выполнения грамматических заданий. Издание предназначается, прежде всего, лицам, самостоятельно изучающим английский язык.
Andrew Carnie’s bestselling textbook on syntax has guided thousands of students through the discipline of theoretical syntax; retaining its popularity due to its combination of straightforward language, comprehensive coverage, and numerous exercises. In this third edition, topics have been updated, new exercises added, and the online resources have been expanded.Supported by expanded online student and instructor resources, including extra chapters on HPSG, LFG and time-saving materials for lecturers, including problem sets, PowerPoint slides, and an instructors’ manual
Vocabulary for Marketing (Sprawdź swój Angielski - Terminologia Marketing - Biblioteka Profesjonalisty)VOCABULARY FOR MARKETING
Sprawdź Swój Angielski: Terminologia Marketing
seria: Biblioteka Profesjonalisty
Excellent resource for teachers and a great book for self practice. Set of exercises on marketing vocabulary. Instructiions in English and Polish.