Providing a unique perspective on a fascinating aspect of early modern culture, this volume focuses on the role of food and diet as represented in the works of a range of European authors, including Shakespeare, from the late medieval period to the mid seventeenth century.
Classic Beadweaving: New Needle Techniques & Original Designs
This is the latest book I have purchased by Ann Benson. She is one of the best instructions and illustrations for beading techniques I have encountered. I have many of her books, and have purchased many of her kits offered on her website. Her choice of colors are subtle in a time when everything is so bold. Her style is more European. I can't reccommend this book more highly.
The Art of the Portrait (Masterpieces of European Portrait Painting, 1420-1670)
The portraits presented in this book are selected exclusively from works executed between the late Middle Ages and the seventeenth century. There are good reasons for limiting study to this period, for it was then that portraiture came into its own. It was this era that witnessed the revival and genuine renewal of the individualised, "au vif" depiction of privileged or highly esteemed persons, a genre largely neglected since Classical antiquity.
The EU promotes the linguistic and cultural diversity of its peoples. It does so by supporting the teaching and learning of their languages. The EU’s ambitious goal is to enable citizens to be fluent in two languages in addition to their mother tongue. The EU institutions work with 23 official languages. This is to ensure that all EU citizens, whether they speak a major European language or a lesser-known one, have equal access to the policies and legislation of the European Union.