BulgariaPart of The Oxford History of Modern Europe series, the book traces the evolution of the Bulgarian state and its people, from the beginning of the Bulgarian national revival in the middle of the nineteenth century to the entry of the country into the European Union. Richard Crampton examines key political, social, and economic developments, revealing the history of a country which evolved from a backward and troublesome Balkan state to become a modern European nation.
An inventive decorative artist presents his own interpretation of several European painting styles, showing crafters at all skill levels how to create charming pieces that will complement any decor. The book begins with a brief historical survey of European folk art. The first chapter is devoted to supplies: working with acrylic paints, selecting brushes, and gathering other essential materials. The author presents detailed demonstrations of the decorative painting styles of England, Norway, Holland, Germany, and Russia.
The Long Road to the Industrial Revolution: The European economy in a global perspective, 1000-1800
This book offers a new explanation of the origins of the industrial revolution in Western Europe by placing development in Europe within a global perspective. It focuses on its specific institutional and demographic development since the late Middle Ages, and on the important role played by human capital formation.
In Gardens. Profiles of Contemporary European Landscape Architecture
The past decade has witnessed a profound transformation in European landscape architecture, away from the formal, centrally-planned garden art that hallmarks traditional European parks, toward projects, often the result of interdisciplinary cooperation between architects, artists, and landscape architects, of a more informal, almost exploratory, nature.
John Gillingham reviewed the history of the European project and predicted the rejection of the European constitution. Now the world's leading expert on the EU maps out a route to save the Union. The four chapters of this penetrating, fiercely-argued and often witty book subject today's dysfunctional European Union to critical scrutiny in an attempt to show how it is stunting economic growth, sapping the vitality of national governments, and undermining competitiveness.