A DICTIONARY OF THE EUROPEAN UNION aims to give a comprehensive overview of the development and current status of the European Union. The journey from European Communities to European Union has been a long one; there have been many arguments and difficulties, but also co-operation and enlargement. Information on a variety of European issues is here brought together to give the reader a wide range of facts and background knowledge on the European Union.
Thus, this Dictionary includes entries on the history of the European Union and the issues and personalities of importance to its development, as well as on current achievements, debates, concepts, programmes and people.
Junior European Language Portfolio (with Teacher's Guide) The junior version of the European Language Portfolio is a Council of Europe initiative, launched in the 2001 European Year of Languages. The ELP provides pupils with a record of their achievements and progress in languages. The Junior ELP is: a way to celebrate language learning and intercultural experiences an open-ended record of children’s achievements in languages addressed to and is the property of the learner a valuable source of information to aid transfer and transition
The series covers all official requirements for Bachillerato and is compatible with the recommendations of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (B1.1/B1.2).
Critical Survey of Poetry profiles the lives, achievements, and important works of major poets. Originally published in 1983 and revised in 1993, the latest edition adds 146 poets, covering 843 poets in total. The set includes two volumes of Topical Essays, covering regions, themes, movements, and criticism. All original essays were revised, in many cases by the original contributor. Also, essays have been arranged in several subsets, so that libraries can choose the complete set, or only the titles in which they are interested.