Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 26 July 2015
A Companion to Ancient Egyptian Art presents a comprehensive collection of original essays exploring key concepts, critical discourses, and theories that shape the discipline of ancient Egyptian art.
Poetry, stories, hymns, prayers, and wisdom texts found exquisite written expression in ancient Egypt while their literary counterparts were still being recited around hearth fires in ancient Greece and Israel. Yet, because of its very antiquity and the centuries during which the language was forgotten, ancient Egyptian literature is a newly discovered country for modern readers.
The fourth book in the Ancient Egyptian series (2007)
New York Times bestselling author Wilbur Smith returns with the eagerly awaited next installment in his thrilling Egyptian series. Following on from River God, The Seventh Scroll, and Warlock, The Quest continues the story of the Warlock, Taita, wise in the lore of the ancient Gods and a master of magic and the supernatural.
Wilbur Smith (a name synonymous with the massive blockbuster thriller) has recaptured the verve and impact of his earlier work in Warlock. This Egyptian epic thriller follows on from the equally accomplished River God and The Seventh Scroll and re-establishes Smith at the top echelons of thriller writing. The customary continent-spanning canvas is here, with a key new element in an adroitly handled supernatural aspect that gives the sequence the feel of fantasy whilst still retaining the plausibility that was always Smith's strongest asset.
It is commonly believed that 3000 years of Ancient Egyptian history ended around the year 500 A.D. leaving behind phenomenal monuments, temples and tombs. But, can we trust Egyptian chronology? “Mysteries of Egyptian Zodiacs” will undermine your beliefs in the conventional history of Egypt, by providing you with strong scientific proof that ancient Egyptian temples and tombs were created after the year 1000 A.D. This book is not based on historical speculations, but it is a comprehensive scientific analysis of the Egyptian zodiacs - the astronomical calendars holding the real dates of Ancient Egypt.