Cool English is a monthly magazine for teachers and learners of English. The magazine focuses on modern, spoken English in a fun and easy-to-learn format. Each magazine is accompanied by an audio CD so that readers can also listen to the articles, read by English native speakers, in different accents. Each edition of the magazine also comes with a free downloadable Exercise Pack, which allows readers and teachers to practice what they have been learning.
Пополнение в линейке учебников New Headway - New Headway Advanced (New Edition) Teacher's Book. Книга для учителя уровня Advanced. сайт поддержки всей серии Headway (форумы, скрипты, планы уроков и т.д.)
Updated textbook in the series of New Headway - New Headway Advanced (New Edition) Teacher's Book. The book for teachers of Advanced. With support (forums, scripts, lesson plans, etc.)
Edited by: Pumukl - 24 September 2009
Reason: correct cover picture added (was Teacher's Resource book instead of TB)
Walkie Talkie 2nd Edition is back with improvement in organizing. Distinguishing from other magazines' writings, Walkie Talkie's articles are all written and edited by a group of English users with different English levels, jobs, and interest. Despite that, the magazine maintains the balance between being informative and being entertaining.
This resource text is designed primarily as a textbook for a preservice TESL/TEFL methods course, but is also useful as a reference and guide for practicing teachers. Forty specialists contribute theoretical background and practical applications for deciding which methods, materials and resources to use in the ESL/EFL classroom. This third edition: revisions of 16 chapters, complete rewritten ten chapters, ten new chapters (communicative language teaching; syllabus design; developing children's listening and speaking skills;