The only study guide with real GMAT® questions—and their answers—developed by the test creators.
In the 11th edition, you'll find some useful new features:
a NEW diagnostic section to help you figure out where to focus your test-prep efforts
800 questions organized by difficulty to save you study time
a comprehensive math review of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and word problems, the skills tested by the GMAT® exam
about 270 Analytical Writing Assessment topics
The Official Guide for GMAT® Review, 11th Edition offers 800 retired GMAT® questions and thorough explanations of the answers. Practicing with questions that have appeared on the GMAT® exam before will prepare you for the types of questions you'll see when you take the real thing. This Guide will help you learn what you need to know to answer those questions correctly.
Highly informative, this revised edition of Langman's Medical Embryology gives students a better understanding of the essentials of clinically relevant aspects of embryology. This Eighth Edition includes more information on the genetics of birth defects thus enabling the reader to go beyond morphology and understand embryogenesis at both the cellular and molecular levels.
Clinical aspects are emphasized throughout the text, and clinically-oriented problems are listed at the end of each chapter with answers provided in the appendix.
Defining more than 5,000 business words and expressions each, these pocket dictionaries are ideal take-along references for anyone conducting business in French- or German-speaking countries. Common business language, office phrases, stock market and trading terms, and accounting jargon are defined using vocabulary that is appropriate for nonnative speakers and beginning language students. This new edition of the German dictionary has been fully updated and revised to incorporate the new German spelling system.
Continuing the tradition of accuracy and comprehensiveness that has made it a classic, this new edition of the Abbreviations Dictionary is the international source for locating elusive or general information on topics ranging from airlines to zodiacal signs. The updated and expanded tenth edition includes abbreviations, acronyms, appellations, contractions, numbered abbreviations, and other short forms gleaned from a broad range of fields, pastimes, groups, and government.