Teaching With the Brain in Mind - 1st and 2nd edition
Added by: Maria | Karma: 3098.81 | Coursebooks | 18 December 2008
Teaching With the Brain in Mind 2nd edition When the first edition of "Teaching with the Brain in Mind" was published in 1998, it quickly became a bestseller, and it's gone on to inspire thousands of educators to apply the latest brain research in their classroom teaching. Now, author Eric Jensen is back with a completely revised and updated edition of his classic work.
Links to the first edition of the book thanks to hassanmm2001 added Thank you!
Summary:Revised Edition This revised edition of Word Smart II features another 848 words you need to know for an educated, up-to-date vocabulary. Other features are a pronunciation guide, a list of common usage errors and the most frequently tested words.
Walkie Talkie X-Mas Edition This Edition is special and offered on the occasion of Christmas. All articles are contributed by English learners with true facts and figures. The monthly magazine is given free of charge at www.watavn.com
Edited by: stovokor - 17 December 2008
Reason: cover image uploaded to our server and thumbnailed, please, do it yourself in the future :)
New Edition for the December 2008 exam. The expert series delivers the rigorous exam training and thorough language development that will have your high-achieving students scoring top marks every time.
Now in a thoroughly-updated and expanded second edition, Wiley Encyclopedia of Food Science and Technology covers fundamental concepts and practical requirements in food science, as well as cutting-edge technological and industry information. The encyclopedia features A-to-Z coverage of all aspects of food science, including: the properties, analysis, and processing of foods; genetic engineering of new food products; and nutrition. In addition, nontechnical information is included, such as descriptions of selected scientific institutions, and research and development in government agencies. Like the first edition, this Second Edition will become the standard reference for food scientists, bioengineers, and biotechnologists.
Edited by: englishcology - 12 December 2008
Reason: Aline description text yourself next time, please!