As the twentieth century drew to a close, the rich were getting richer; power was concentrating within huge corporations; vast tracts of the earth were being laid waste; three quarters of the earth's population had no control over its destiny and no claim to basic rights. There was nothing new in this. What was new was the virtual absence of any political will to do anything about it. Spaces of Hope takes issue with this.
Added by: mariashara | Karma: 77.24 | Black Hole | 22 June 2011
Islands Magazine - July/August 2011
From the Caribbean to South Pacific, from Tahiti to the Greek Isles, ISLANDS explores the most beautiful and exotic places on earth. You'll want to pack your bags after each issue.
See more about this issue inside.
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The vision that drives Dean Jocelin to construct an immense new spire above his cathedral tests the limits of all who surround him. The foundationless stone pillars shriek and the earth beneath them heaves under the structure’s weight as the Dean’s will weighs down his collapsing faith.
Ax and the Animorphs are about to have a huge problem. It starts when they decide to morph mosquitoes in order to slip by some unsuspecting Yeerks. It ends with them stuck in Zero-space with no idea how they got there, no way to get back to Earth...and no oxygen. Luckily, an Andalite scout ship finds them before it's too late. But now Ax is finally with his own people. And he doesn't know if he ever wants to go back to Earth...
Of all the things in life that can be taken for granted, nothing looms larger than…the sun! It provides the Earth with life -- giving light and heat. It’s the main factor behind the weather and the seasons, and it’s the primary source of energy on Earth. All About the Sun gives kids a broad understanding of this nearby star that is the center of the solar system -- and shows them why this star is so important to us.