Home-School Connections in a Multicultural Society: Learning From and With Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Families
Educators everywhere confront critical issues related to families, schooling, and teaching in diverse settings. Directly addressing this reality, Home-School Connections in a Multicultural Society shows pre-service and practicing teachers how to recognize and build on the rich resources for enhancing school learning that exist within culturally and linguistically diverse families.
Illustrated Guide to Medical Terminology, 2nd edition
Added by: borisvm | Karma: 492.67 | ESP, Medicine | 4 May 2015
Illustrated Guide to Medical Terminology, 2nd edition
Supported by a new, dedicated mobile app and a suite of online learning tools, the groundbreaking ILLUSTRATED GUIDE TO MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY, Second Edition, is now even more effective for today's learners. This proven text teaches fundamental medical terms using word parts, without bogging down in detailed anatomy and physiology discussions. A highly visual approach--with abundant use of tables, charts, and illustrations--makes the text an effective resource for readers of diverse backgrounds, including ESL speakers, individuals focused on career preparation, and auditory and visual learners.
This is a collection of essays from scholars in the field of Translation Studies throughout the world. The book ranges widely in subject matter, reflecting the diverse perspectives of Peter Newmark's interests in both literary and technical translation.
Aging and Diversity: An Active Learning Experience, 2nd Edition
Completely rewritten, this new edition addresses key topics in diversity and aging, such as gender, race or ethnicity, religious affiliation, and more. These elements convey the complexities that provide both challenges to meet the needs of diverse populations and opportunities to lear how to live in a pluralistic society.
The articles of the present volume consist of generative analyses dealing with several current topics of discussion and debate in syntactic theory, such as clitics, word order, scrambling, directionality, movement. The data in the volume are drawn from a number of typologically diverse languages (e.g. Arabic, Berber, Dutch, Gaelic, Greek, Malagasy).