Active Baby, Healthy Brain: 135 Fun Exercises and Activities to Maximize Your Child's Brain Development
Movement, play, and active exploration in the first five years of a child’s life are essential to the development of his or her body and brain. Now Active Baby, Healthy Brain presents 135 massages, exercises, and activities that engage your child’s love of play while also stimulating his or her brain development in multiple areas, including: - Balance - Cross-pattern movement - Visualization - Vestibular (inner ear) stimulation - Laterality - Fine and gross motor skills
These leveled fiction and nonfiction ELL Readers provide sheltered support (comprehensible input, labelled pictures) for the vocabulary development of ELL kindergarten students.
Grapevine is a three-level course in British English running from complete beginner level to pre-intermediate level. Each level consists of 40 units, each of which takes a double-page spread. It is an extremely comprehensive series, which includes an integrated (but optional) video element, as well as a built-in extensive reading component, a listening development syllabus, tests and a Workbook which goes far beyond the basic exercises associated with Workbooks.
Erika Hoff's LANGUAGE DEVELOPMENT, 4th Edition communicates both the content and the excitement of this quickly evolving field. By presenting a balanced treatment that examines all sides of the issues, Hoff helps readers understand different theoretical points of view -- and the research processes that have lead theorists to their findings. After an overview and history of the field, Hoff thoroughly covers the biological bases of language development and the core topics of phonological, lexical, and syntactic development.
This is a comprehensive and accessible guide to the methods researchers use to study child language, written by experienced scholars in the study of language development.