Truth, Lies, and Online Dating: Secrets to Finding Romance on the Internet
Online dating represents an amazing new way to meet people, but it requires technology skills in addition to social skills. "Truth, Lies, and Online Dating" shows you how you can effectively use your PC, digital camera, word processor and other PC-based tools to effectively market yourself and communicate who you are -- and who you are looking for. It teaches the mechanics of online dating services and shows you how to put each service's search engines to work to find the best dates.
Essential pocket-sized guides to help learners focus on the most important areas of English. Do you want to understand and use more idioms in English? With over 130 of the most common idioms used in English today, this guide will help you use idioms to talk about many things, including: friends and family; work and business; dating and romance; thinking and learning, and much more.
Between singleness and marriage lies the journey of dating. Want to make your road as smooth as possible? Set and maintain healthy boundaries--boundaries that will help you grow in freedom, honesty, and self-control. If many of your dating experiences have been difficult, Boundaries in Dating could revolutionize the way you handle relationships. Even if you’re doing well, the insights you’ll gain from this much-needed book can help you fine-tune or even completely readjust important areas of your dating life.
If you think dating is a simple process--meet someone, ask him or her for a date or get asked out yourself, try not to come off as a drooling moron, then arrange to get together for a second date or cut your losses and work to meet someone else--well, lucky you. For many people, it's far more complicated than that, and Dr. Joy Browne addresses those complexities in Dating for Dummies. Exactly how do you meet a potential date? How do you present yourself in the most favorable light? How do you negotiate that first date?
Added by: otherwordly | Karma: 222.42 | Fiction literature | 12 August 2008
A vivacious vampire with a flair for accessorizing, Lil Marchette is unlike most of her kind. She prefers lively shades of pink to dismal black (soo not her color), plus she's a hopeless romantic. In need of a steady paycheck to support a compulsive cosmetics habit, Lil starts Dead End Dating (DED), a Manhattan-based matchmaking service that helps smart, sophisticated singles like herself find eternity mates - and may even help her stake a claim to her very own Count Right!