Product Description: The SAGE Course Companion on Management Accounting is an accessible introduction to the subject that will help readers extend their understanding of key concepts and enhance their thinking skills in line with course requirements. It provides support on how to revise for exams, how to present calculations, and how to prepare for and write assessed pieces. Readers are encouraged not only to think like a management accountant but also to think about the subject critically.
Product Description: The Sage Course Companion on Marketing is an accessible introduction to the subject that will help readers to extend their understanding of key concepts and enhance their thinking skills in line with course requirements. It provides support on how to revise for exams and prepare for and write assessed pieces. Readers are encouraged not only to think like a marketer but also to think about the subject critically.
This Course Companion in Criminal Justice by Ursula Smartt is to be applauded. It is an essential handbook for all students and practitioners who are studying the criminal justice system. The user-friendly framework provides students with practical support in how they can organise their approach to studying to maximise their knowledge and revision skills.
New Headway Pronunciation Course - Elementary (Book + Audio) New Headway Pronunciation Course - это уровневый курс постановки произношения. Его можно использовать как параллельно с занятиями по учебнику Headway, так и занимаясь по другому курсу. New Headway Pronunciation Course выпускается для четырех уровней: Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate и Upper-Intermediate. По нему можно заниматься как в классе, так и самостоятельно. В каждом из уровней рассматриваются основные звуки, интонация, беглая речь и другие аспекты фонетики английского языка. При этом материал каждой книги основывается на лексике и грамматике соответствующего уровня. Этот учебник можно использовать как вводный курс фонетики на начальном уровне изучения английского языка и на более поздних уровнях. A course in English pronunciation to complement New Headway. The units can stand alone. Nice cartoons with gentle sense of humour. The authors must be real professionals: they have included a mixture of phonemes that different nationalities find difficult; and a range of Stress, Rhythm and Intonation subjects all covered in a very practical way and including times and dates. This is a practical and imaginative addition to the New Headway. It helps students to express themselves clearly and confidently by training them in the key areas of pronunciation. There is practice of individual sounds, with a guide to suitable exercises for speakers of particular languages. There is a focus on lexical sets. Training is given in stress and intonation patterns for accurate, functional use. Help is provided with the features of connected speech. SCANNED FOR ENGLISHTIPS.ORG ОТСКАНИРОВАНО СПЕЦИАЛЬНО ДЛЯ ENGLISHTIPS.ORG Audio Reduced by naath
This is the most comprehensive manual to date covering the NLP Practitioner course. A fully revised and updated edition, it contains the very latest developments in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, particularly with regard to the Meta-states model and the Meta-model of language.