We are always trying to save it. We fit more and more into less and less of it. But no matter what we do, there is never enough of it. With acute insight and mordant wit, James Gleick examines the biological, psychological, and cultural considerations that define our very human limits where time is concerned. He begins with "technological" time: the development of the watch; the advent of standard time; the jolt of recognition brought about by machines in which speed could be measured, computed, or adjusted; photography's ability to freeze a fast-moving world; computer-generated time.
English Today is an innovative product for English language learning, designed to gain maximum advantage from the DVD format and aimed at the needs of the target consumer.
It represents a completely new approach: instead of the typical video-lesson structure, a teacher guides the student through a series of narrative episodes arranged as in a sit-com.
The Interactional Instinct: The Evolution and Acquisition of Language
The Interactional Instinct explores the evolution of language from the theoretical view that language could have emerged without a biologically instantiated Universal Grammar. In the first part of the book, the authors speculate that a hominid group with a lexicon of about 600 words could combine these items to make larger meanings.
Can I Have a Tyrannosaurus Rex, Dad? Can I? Please!
Can I Have a Tyrannosaurus Rex, Dad? Can I? Please!
Children will love this hilarious sequel to Can I Have A Stegosaurus, Mom? Can I? Please!?, a delightful fantasy of a little boy and his would-be pet Tyrannosaurus Rex. The big dinosaur could help get parking spaces at the mall, rescue cats from trees, and be TONS of fun at birthday parties!
The anonymous caller who taunts the Derbyshire Police with talk of an imminent killing could be just another hoaxer. The macabre descriptions of death and decomposition could be someone's sick fantasy. But after listening to the voice.