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The Citizen's Body - Desire, Health and the Social in Victorian England

The Citizen's Body - Desire, Health and the Social in Victorian EnglandThe Citizen's Body - Desire, Health and the Social in Victorian England

As the idea of citizenship became more inclusive in the nineteenth century, England confronted the problem of those who seemed less fit for the responsibilities of political power. In a liberal society, fit behaviors had to originate in individual choices, rather than in coercion. Thus, social outreach became a matter not simply of giving information, but of educating and managing desire, which in turn required an active role in the very formation of subjectivity. Preparation for citizenship came to be seen as shaping the familial, moral, and physical environments required to foster a natural and healthy body and mind.
Tags: England, citizenship, required, became, formation, Citizen, Desire
How to Become a U.S. Citizen

How to Become a U.S. CitizenHow to Become a U.S. Citizen

Peterson's How to Become a U.S. Citizen is the perfect resource to help you pass the U.S. citizenship exam with flying colors! Learn about the benefits and responsibilities of citizenship, eligibility requirements, and what's involved in becoming naturalized. Follow step-by-step guidance on applying for U.S. citizenship. Prepare with practice questions for each portion of the new naturalization test, including civics and English speaking, reading, and writing.
Tags: citizenship, Citizen, Become, questions, portion, Become, citizenship, practice
Citizenship in America and Europe: Beyond the Nation-State?

Citizenship in America and Europe: Beyond the Nation-State?

In the United States, defining what it means to be a citizen is central to discourse about immigration, naturalization, and identity politics. Although the concept of European citizenship is more tenuous, European countries wrestle with equally profound questions. Can European citizenship be constructed? Can democratic institutions thrive in Europe without a robust concept of citizenship? This insightful volume examines the rights and duties of citizens in liberal democracies-and the policy impact of citizenship debates-in both the United States and abroad.
Tags: citizenship, European, United, Europe, States
Global Citizenship in the English language classroom

Global Citizenship in the English language classroomGlobal Citizenship in the English language classroom

Global citizenship has become one of the most important issues for English language teachers around the world, as we witness the growing importance of this language in the international scenario and its incorporation as part of the discourse of socio-economic inclusion. This is owing mainly to the recognition of the interdependence among countries and advances in communication technology that have created opportunities for greater contact between people from various parts of the world.
Tags: language, world, Global, English, interdependence, Citizenship
Discourse And Power in a Multilingual World (Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture)
 	 Discourse And Power in a Multilingual World (Discourse Approaches to Politics, Society and Culture) In Discourse and Power in a Multilingual World the discourse of politicians and policy-makers in Britain links languages other than English, and therefore speakers of these languages, with civil disorder and threats to democracy, citizenship and nationhood. These powerful arguments travel along ‘chains of discourse’ until they gain the legitimacy of the state, and are inscribed in law. The particular focus of this volume is on discourse linking ‘race riots’ in England in 2001 with the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002, which extended legislation to test the English language proficiency of British citizenship applicants.

Adrian Blackledge develops a theoretical and methodological framework which draws on critical discourse analysis to reveal the linguistic character of social and cultural processes and structures; on Bakhtin’s notion of the dialogic nature of discourse to demonstrate how voices progressively gain authority; and on Bourdieu’s model of symbolic domination to illuminate the way in which linguistic-minority speakers may be complicit in the misrecognition, or valorisation, of the dominant language.

Tags: discourse, Discourse, which, citizenship, English