Getting a grip on good grammar (Infographic)
Added by: sammi2015 | Karma: 2153.62 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 10 August 2014
Getting a grip on good grammar (Infographic)
Use this infographic to guide you on some of the most common grammar rules.
Tags: grammar , Getting , Infographic , rules , infographic , common
Getting a grip on good grammar (Infographic)
Added by: sammi2015 | Karma: 2153.62 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 9 August 2014
Getting a grip on good grammar (Infographic)
Use this infographic to guide you on some of the most common grammar rules
Tags: grammar , Getting , Infographic , rules , infographic , common
Though, although and even though - 2014 -
Added by: sammi2015 | Karma: 2153.62 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 8 August 2014
Though, although and even though - 2014 -
Although is a conjunction. It is used for introducing a statement that makes your main statement seem surprising.
Though and although are interchangeable. Though is more common.
Tags: Though , statement , although , interchangeable , common , though
Oh My Grammar! Language Felonies: Top 10 Grammar Errors, Common Mistakes, and the Importance of Correct Grammar (Infographic)
Added by: sammi2015 | Karma: 2153.62 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 8 August 2014
Oh My Grammar! Language Felonies: Top 10 Grammar Errors, Common Mistakes, and the Importance of Correct Grammar (Infographic)
This infographic illustrates common grammar errors, e.g. the comma splice and run-on sentences, and highlights the most common mistakes that people commit in writing.
Tags: Grammar , common , Felonies , Language , writing , Importance , Correct , Infographic , Mistakes
10 Common Blog Writing Mistakes (Infographic)
Added by: sammi2015 | Karma: 2153.62 | Coursebooks » Grammar | 8 August 2014
10 Common Blog Writing Mistakes (Infographic)
Ever wondered what the most common grammar mistakes are that bloggers make? Run-on sentences, punctuation, or maybe use of wrong tenses? This infographic highlights common blog post writing errors and blogging facts.
Tags: common , blogging , errors , highlights , facts , Common , Infographic , Writing , Mistakes