There is an incorrect concept that Latin-American meals are high in dairy and meats. This may be true in just a few dishes, but it is by no means a norm. Our traditional Latin-American lifestyle goes back to the time of our ancestors who practiced a simple lifestyle. Their food source came by means of hard labor, working in the fields with their hands.
Added by: Cheramie | Karma: 275.78 | Fiction literature | 21 December 2009
John Crowley's masterful Little, Big is the epic story of Smoky Barnable, an anonymous young man who travels by foot from the City to a place called Edgewood—not found on any map—to marry Daily Alice Drinkawater, as was prophesied. It is the story of four generations of a singular family, living in a house that is many houses on the magical border of an otherworld. It is a story of fantastic love and heartrending loss; of impossible things and unshakable destinies; and of the great Tale that envelops us all. It is a wonder.
Blood Test - [2] Alex Delaware mystery by Jonathan Kellerman
Added by: stovokor | Karma: 1758.61 | Fiction literature | 11 November 2009
There are many good things about this novel, the second book in the Alex Delaware series. For starters, the reader really gets to know Alex better in this book and he's beginning to grow on us. The core plot is dandy and the resolution is a page turner. And, while Alex is based in Los Angeles, much of the action takes place near the Mexican border in an interestingly twisted imaginary town called La Vista.
This volume presents both an analysis of how identities are built, represented and negotiated in narrative, as well as a theoretical reflection on the links between narrative discourse and identity construction. The data for the bookareMexican immigrants' personal experience narratives and chronicles of their border crossings into the United States.
An important dimension of the "meaning" of the border text exists in the difference between the referential codes of author and reader. Since the special ontology of the border text makes the reader a conspicuous collaborator in the "writing" of the text, the same relationship of difference can obtain between the reader and herself as between reader and author. For the reader willing to engage in "border crossing," the "non-identities among the codes of the writer, the reader(s), and "sociohistorical semiotic" contexts create an ontologically special place or space within which "a remembering occurs" whose form varies with the desires and historical and political knowledge of the border crosser. Framed by a largely theoretical introduction and a meditative conclusion on the semiotics of work by Sandinistas and Chicano poets as well as her own creative writing, Hicks's discussion of Gabriel Garcia Marquez's One Hundred Years of Solitude (Cien años de soledad), Julio Cortázar's Hopscotch (Rayeula) and A Manual for Manuel (Libro de Manuel) and Luisa Valenzuela's He Who Searches (Como en la guerra) and Other Weapons (Cambio de armas) inventively challenges readers to "deterritorialize" their categories of literary and political analysis.