This book presents a typology of subordination systems across the world's languages. Traditional definitions of subordination are based on morphosyntactic criteria, such as clausal embedding or non-finiteness.
The book shows that these definitions are untenable in a cross-linguistic perspective, and provides a cognitively based definition of subordination.
This volume, arranged alphabetically by original author, provides basic information about stage and screen productions based upon the novels of 40 women writers before 1900. Each entry includes the novel and its publication date, the published texts or dramatizations based upon the book, and the performances of the piece in live theater and film versions, including the location, dates, and playwright or screenwriter (if there was one). For some of the performances the author includes a brief annotation listing the actors and describing the production.
A rebus is a hieroglyphic of sorts - it combines pictures with letter sounds (adding or subtracting them) to make a word or phrase. Rebuses fascinate children of all ages, and "Rebuses for Readers" presents more than 100 rebuses of these intriguing brain teasers for elementary students. 50 of the rebuses are based on books, with selections for primary, intermediate and upper grades. An additional 15 are "Authors in Rebus Form", 15 are "Characters in Rebus Form" and 10 are "Settings in Rebus Form". The authors have also included some "Make Your Own" rebuses (with some sample solutions). The final chapter, "Challenges", provides students with some basic pictures and a list of book titles for which to create rebuses. Each chapter includes an annotated bibliography of the books on which the rebuses are based; annotations include a brief description, grade level and general subject.
This biographical encyclopedia covers athletes as far back as tennis pioneer Mary Outerbridge (b. 1852) and as recent as Sarah Hughes (b. 1985), the figure skater whose stunning come-from-behind win at the 2002 Olympics in Salt Lake City captured viewers' hearts worldwide. Edelson, a former sports columnist and reporter, has chosen 153 athletes based on three criteria: "greatest athletes," "most significant trailblazers," and "diversity" (of sport, race, and time period).
Хорошо проиллюстрированный учебничек с молодежным уклоном. Основная тематика данного учебника – это туризм, путешествия и разнообразные народности. Учебник построен на основе иллюстрированного материала с небольшими текстами и диалогами, после которых вы найдете вопросы по теме. Well illustrated book for the youth classes. The main themes of the textbook is tourism, travel and a variety of ethnic groups. The textbook is based on the illustrated material with small text and dialogue, after which you will find questions on the topic.