This third edition features many of the original games but has also been fully revised to include new games for the ELT classroom. The structure of the book has also been revised so that the games are now grouped in a more teacher-friendly format where teachers can search based on language and skill criteria rather than just game type.
The concept of ‘task’ has become an important element in syllabus design, classroom teaching and learner assessment. It underpins several significant research agendas, and it has influenced educational policymaking in both ESL and EFL settings.
Measurements and their Uncertainties: A practical guide to modern error analysis
This hands-on guide is primarily intended to be used in undergraduate laboratories in the physical sciences and engineering. It assumes no prior knowledge of statistics. It introduces the necessary concepts where needed, with key points illustrated with worked examples and graphic illustrations. In contrast to traditional mathematical treatments it uses a combination of spreadsheet and calculus-based approaches, suitable as a quick and easy on-the-spot reference.
Flinders & Sweeney, English 365 Level 1
English 365 is a course for adult learners who want to develop their English skills for their work as well as their social and travel needs. Level 1 is for post-elementary to low intermediate level students. Key features include stimulating content and activities, listening material based on authentic interviews with working people. A variety of topics provide opportunities to practise speaking.
Added by: visan | Karma: 894.33 | Other | 17 August 2010
The Rolling Stone Magazines 500 - 1
Rolling Stone is a United States-based magazine devoted to music, politics, and popular culture that is published every two weeks.
The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time is the cover story of a special issue of Rolling Stone magazine published in November 2003. The list was based on the votes of 273 rock musicians, critics and industry figures, each of whom submitted a weighted list of 50 albums.