The End of Cosmology?
Will the big bang be forgotten? The accelerating cosmic expansion is wiping away every trace of the universe's origin.
When Markets Beat the Polls
financial markets may predict elections more reliably than polls do.
They can augur future box-office returns and flu seasons, too.
White Matter Matters
regarded as passive support for cogitating neurons, the brain's white
matter shows that it actively affects learning and mental illness.
The Limits of Quantum Computers
quantum computers could be exceptionally fast at certain tasks, but for
most problems they would only modestly outclass today's conventional
Amazing collection of Scientific American Magazine's - 2000-2004 (all issues).
Scientific American is a popular-science magazine , published (first weekly and later monthly) since August 28 , 1845 , making it the oldest continuously published magazine in the United States . It brings articles about new and innovative research to the amateur and lay audience.
Essential American Idioms
The Up-to-Date Guide to the Idioms of Modern American English
Whether you are a learner of English who is having difficulty understanding expressions in everyday speech or a native speaker who wants to expand your written or spoken range, you need a comprehensive reference for idioms, common phrases, and sayings of American English.
The Up-to-Date Guide
to the Slang of Modern American English
This concise, easy-to-use reference defines and explains hundreds of contemporary American slang expressions and illustrates their use in real-life situations. You will learn to understand this integral part of living English as used by Americans in all walks of life.