In recent years, cultural commentators have sounded the alarm about the dire state of reading in America. Americans are not reading enough, they say, or reading the right books, in the right way. In this book, Alan Jacobs argues that, contrary to the doomsayers, reading is alive and well in America. There are millions of devoted readers supporting hundreds of enormous bookstores and online booksellers.
How To Save Jobs - Reinventing Business, Reinvigorating Work and Reawakening the American Dream
A shocking and disturbing look into how changes worldwide have created enormous disruption in the very nature of jobs in America. Ideas, strategies, and innovative approaches for policy change that could make a real difference and help save and create jobs in America. Powerfully effective hands-on tips, techniques, and strategies that you personally can take to keep and create jobs, without waiting for politicians to get their act together.
Art for the Middle Classes: America's Illustrated Magazines of the 1840s
How did the average American learn about art in the mid-nineteenth century? With public art museums still in their infancy, and few cities and towns large enough to support art galleries or print shops, Americans relied on mass-circulated illustrated magazines. One group of magazines in particular, known collectively as the Philadelphia pictorials, circulated fine art engravings of paintings, some produced exclusively for circulation in these monthlies, to an eager middle-class reading audience. These magazines achieved print circulations far exceeding those of other print media (such as illustrated gift books, or catalogs from art-union membership organizations).
They were the leaders, the men who made the decision that changed the outcome of battles...and the fate of the continents. From the awesome landing at Normandy to the torturous campaigns of the South Pacific, from the frozen hills of Korea to the devastated wastes of Dien Bien Phu, they had earned their stars. Now they led America's finest against her most relentless enemy deep in the jungles of Southeast Asia. It was a new kind of war, but the Generals led a new kind of army, ready for battle and for glory...
Handbook of the Sociology of Racial and Ethnic Relations
The study of racial and ethnic relations has become one of the most studied aspects in sociology and sociological research. In both North America and Europe, many traditional cultures are feeling threatened by immigrants from Latin America, Africa and Asia. Sociology is at the hub of the human sciences concerned with racial and ethnic relations. Since this discipline is made of multiple paradigms and methodological orientations it has been able to make relevant contributions to disciplines ranging from individual psychology, social psychology, and psychiatry, to economics, anthropology, linguistics, cultural studies, health care delivery and education.