Al-Mawrid Al-Qareeb English Arabic Dictionary for Goldendict / Babylon
Al-Mawrid Al-Qareeb is one of the most popular concise English-Arabic dictionaries in the Arab world. You need Goldendict (free) or Babylon software (commercial) to install the bgl file.
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Tags: Babylon, Goldendict, Al-Mawrid, Al-Qareeb, Al-Ba, Arabic, English |
English-Arabic Dictionary (for Goldendict/Babylon)
This dictionary is derived from the Arabic-English-French dictionary in Al-Shamela free library software. The ultimate source is not specified; it is probably one of Al-Mawrid dictionaries by Ruhi Al-Ba'albaki. |
Tags: dictionary, Al-Ba, dictionaries, albaki, English-Arabic, Babylon, Goldendict, Dictionary |