Union of Crowns: The Forging of Europe's Most Independent State
Added by: drazhar | Karma: 1455.89 | Other | 30 December 2014
Today, when many are asking if it's time to end the 400-year-old union and look increasingly to a united Europe, this books prompts a greater understanding of the warts-and-all origins of Scotland's ancestral legacy. Did the Scots really cower in the shadow of their powerful, aggressive English neighbour? This book reveals a very different picture.
Dale Carnegie The 5 Essential People Skills How to Assert Yourself, Listen to Others, and Resolve Conflicts Have you ever walked away from a conversation full of doubts and insecurities? Do you feel as if you've lost a little ground after every staff meeting? Most of us are either too passive or too aggressive in our business life, and we end up never getting the support, recognition, or respect that we desire.
It’s never been as common as now—the fact that dogs are attacking people, causing horrific injuries that sometimes lead to death. Is the sobriquet “dogs are man’s best friends” fair and true? Why do some dogs turn aggressive while others remain calm?
This art is Bruce Lee's art, refined from Wing Chun by the addition primarily of fencing footwork for more mobility and much aggression, the inclusion of the backfist(a natural for Wing Chun), and a very strong form of sticking hands that classical Wing Chun students can find irritating and overly aggressive which Bruce learned and adapted from his own sifus in Hong Kong, Wong Shun Leung among them.
When a simple case turns into a treacherous and politically charged investigation, Spenser faces his most difficult challenge yet-keeping his cool while his beloved Susan Silverman is in danger. Spenser knows something's amiss the moment Dennis Doherty walks into his office. The guy's aggressive yet wary, in the way men frightened for their marriages always are. So when Doherty asks Spenser to investigate his wife Jordan's abnormal behavior, Spenser agrees. A job's a job, after all.