From Near and Far is a reproducible intermediate level ESL reader for high school and adult students. From Near and Far features sixteen original, illustrated stories set in cultural and geographical contexts from around the world. This revised and enlarged edition of From Near and Far builds on the very features that made students, teachers and reviewers so enthusiastic about the first edition. It provides carefully designed activities in purposeful, confident reading for teen-aged and adult readers at an intermediate level.
The life cycle of an insect is truly one of nature's most amazing phenomena. Watch as the diving beetle, the locust, and the enchanting swallowtail butterfly metamorphose from an egg to an adult before your eyes. This beautifully photographed program documents the life cycles of various insects, from reproduction to adult, and shows how the insects adapt at each stage. In vivid detail, the reproduction and metamorphosis of the large diving beetle, swallowtail butterfly, fruit fly, locust, and dragondly are shown. The segment on the swallotail butterfly is particularly remarkable.
It is a four-level, multi-skills English series for adult and young-adult learners. Each unit includes relevant content, additional grammar practice, and more opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills.
Focusing on both accuracy and fluency, the multi-skills syllabus integrates themes, grammar, functions, vocabulary, and pronunciation. The series incorporates suggestions from teachers and students all over the world.
New Interchange is a multi-level series for adult and young-adult learners of English from the beginning to the high-intermediate level. The Teacher's Edition features page-by-page instructions directly opposite full-size, full-color reproductions of the Student's Book pages. It also contains teaching suggestions, answer keys for the Student's Book and Workbook, listening scripts, optional activities, and photocopiable Achievement Tests with their own listening scripts and answer keys.
is a four-level, multi-skills English series for adult and young-adult learners. Each unit includes relevant content, additional grammar practice, and more opportunities to develop speaking and listening skills.
Focusing on both accuracy and fluency, the multi-skills syllabus integrates themes, grammar, functions, vocabulary, and pronunciation. The series incorporates suggestions from teachers and students all over the world.