Dictionary of World Philosophy
This is the first comprehensive reference to the vast field of world philosophy. The Dictionary covers all the major subfields of the discipline, with entries drawn from West African, Arabic, Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Jewish, Korean, Latin American, Maori, and Native American philosophy--including Nahua philosophy, a previously unexplored, but key instance of Pre-Hispanic thought. Entries include: * abazimu * abortion * Advaita * afrocentricity * age of the world * artificial life * baskets of knowledge * bhakti body *brotherhood * chain of being * Chinese legalism * creation *cybernetics * darshana * death * dravya * euthanasia *love * madrash * memory * Mohism * paradox * passion* philosophy of education * speculative grammar * paranormal *Aouism * theurgy * truth * virtue * Zen * and many more.
The American Heritage Dictionary (4th ed) for BABYLON
The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language (AHD) is an American dictionary of the English language published by Boston publisher Houghton Mifflin, the first edition of which appeared in 1969. Its creation was spurred by the controversy over the Webster's Third New International Dictionary.
Scientific American, the oldest continuously published magazine in the U.S., has been bringing its readers unique insights about developments in science and technology for more than 150 years.
American Medical Association Complete Guide to Men's Health
If you're male and have a health question, this is the place to find an
answer. This ambitious, 500-page book from the American Medical
Association is a thorough guide for keeping a man's body healthy,
making sense of his system, and understanding specific health concerns.
American Literature (EZ-101 Study Keys)
Key topics start with colonial writers and cover three centuries of
American prose and poetry, including present-day trends and influences.
Designed to be compatible with virtually every standard textbook in
their subject field, Barron’s EZ-101 Study Keys give you a valuable
overview of your college-level course. Classroom-style notes emphasize
important facts, remind you what you need to remember for term papers
and exams, and help guide you through the complexities of lectures and
textbooks. Historical/Literary Time periods are in
chronological order. Each key is an introduction to the author with
examples of the author's works.