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The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians: Illustrated With the Secret Rosicrucian Symbols

The Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians: Illustrated With the Secret Rosicrucian SymbolsThe Secret Doctrine of the Rosicrucians: Illustrated With the Secret Rosicrucian Symbols

Illustrated With the Secret Rosicrucian Symbols; Incognito, Magus; "The true Rosicrucians have no formal organization, and are held together only by the ties of common interest in the occult and esoteric studies, and by the common acceptance of certain fundamental principles of belief and knowledge."
Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things

Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things Women, Fire, and Dangerous ThingsWomen, Fire, and Dangerous Things Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things

Lakoff's Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things is a treasure trove of linguistic examples and a carefully developed model of cognition argued on the basis of semantics. His experientialism places the human act of cognition in the center; his brilliantly presented result is that cognition is vitally dependent on metaphor, which he defines as a mapping of conceptual structures from one domain onto another--a result of particular relevance to literature.
New Friends 2 - Student's Book

New Friends 2 - Student's BookNew Friends 2 - Student's Book

Nowa edycja najpopularniejszego podręcznika dla polskich szkół.
Spełnia wszystkie wymogi podstawy programowej. Zawiera: wiadomości kulturowe, projekty, ścieżki edukacyjne, ćwiczenia rozwijające autonomię ucznia. Sekcje Culture Corners zachęcają uczniów do rozmów o polskich książkach i filmach, o ciekawych miejscach, o polskich roślinach i zwierzętach, a także o sławnych Polakach.
Weather Extremes: A Student Guide to Climate and Weather [5 volumes]

Weather Extremes: A Student Guide to Climate and Weather [5 volumes]

This comprehensive reference explains in clear terms what we know about weather, from the everyday to the extreme. A Student Guide to Climate and Weather introduces students and other interested readers to the dynamic work of meteorologists and climatologists, specifically their efforts to mitigate the impact of weather events and climate change on people and the environment.
Powerphrases!: The Perfect Words to Say It Right And Get the Results You Want

Powerphrases!: The Perfect Words to Say It Right And Get the Results You WantPowerphrases!: The Perfect Words to Say It Right And Get the Results You Want

In this breakthrough guide, communication guru Meryl Runion explains why effective communication is more than just a business tool. It is also the key to happier, healthier relationships, and greater personal fulfillment and business success.