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My Book Of Simple Addition

My Book Of Simple AdditionMy Book Of Simple Addition

This book focuses on helping children learn how to add the numbers 1 and 2 to other numbers. This very basic mathematical skill cannot be acquired through repetition alone. By using this book, children will be able to understand, without difficulty, the concept of addition by first repeatedly tracing and reciting numbers and then gradually shifting to addition formulas that include the numbers 1 and 2.
I'm Not Hanging Noodles on Your Ears and Other Intriguing Idioms From Around the World

I'm Not Hanging Noodles on Your Ears and Other Intriguing Idioms From Around the WorldI'm Not Hanging Noodles on Your Ears and Other Intriguing Idioms From Around the World

"I’m not hanging noodles on your ears." In Moscow, this curious, engagingly colorful assertion is common parlance, but unless you’re Russian your reaction is probably "Say what?" The same idea in English is equally odd: "I’m not pulling your leg." Both mean: Believe me.
As author Jag Bhalla demonstrates, these amusing, often hilarious phrases provide a unique perspective on how different cultures perceive and describe the world. Organized by theme—food, love, romance, and many more—they embody cultural traditions and attitudes, capture linguistic nuance, and shed fascinating light on "the whole ball of wax."


Elmore Leonard - Swag

The author of Get Shorty, Elmore Leonard writes of a world that is all-too-real, too frighteningly formidable. In Swag, he takes us down the streets of summertime Detroit where life is not so sweet - unless you're handy at crime.
His three "heroes" boast an expertise in things illegal. They conjure up a plan that will reap a tax-free $100,000. All it takes is an armed robbery and the street-savvy to get away with it. It's a brilliant caper with a finely timed finale.

Split Images

Split ImagesSplit Images

Elmore Leonard - Split Images

This novel tells the tale of millionaire, Robbie Daniels, who shoots people for sport. Detective Walter Kouza, investigating the killing of a Haitian intruder, discovers that Daniels has his sights set a good deal higher.

Women of the Renaissance

Women of the RenaissanceWomen of the Renaissance

In this informative and lively volume, the author synthesizes a large body of literature on the condition of western European women in the Renaissance centuries (1350-1650), crafting a much-needed and unified overview of women's experience in Renaissance society. Utilizing the perspectives of social, church, and intellectual history, King looks at women of all classes, in both usual and unusual settings.