This book is the result of a unique experience: a research mathematician teaching in an elementary school. It summarizes this experience and quickly became a bestseller in Israel. It tells about a fascinating discovery made by the author - that elementary mathematics has a lot of depth and beauty, and that the secret to its teaching is to understand its deep points.
With an emphasis on mathematical thinking and problem solving, Mathematics in Games, Sports, and Gambling — The Games People Play shows how discrete probability, statistics, and elementary discrete mathematics are used in games, sports, and gambling situations. It draws on numerous examples, questions, and problems to explain the application of mathematical theory to various real-life games.
At first glance, mathematics and music seem to be from separate worlds—one from science, one from art. But in fact, the connections between the two go back thousands of years, such as Pythagoras’s ideas about how to quantify changes of pitch for musical tones (musical intervals). Mathematics and Music: Composition, Perception, and Performance explores the many links between mathematics and different genres of music, deepening students’ understanding of music through mathematics.
Written in a clear, coherent, and readable form, Calculus: A Complete Course makes student comprehension a clear priority. This seventh edition features a new co-author, Dr. Christopher Essex, who has been invited to contribute his unique style and approach to the subject material. Instructors and students will appreciate revised exercises, greater emphasis on differential equations, new pedagogical features, and an enhanced MyLab.
The Common Core Math Standards prepare students to do real math in the real world. Many new teaching methods are very different from the way most parents learned math, leading to frustration and confusion as parents find themselves unable to help with homework or explain difficult concepts. This book cuts the confusion and shows you everything you need to know to help your child succeed in math.