Обстоятельная хроника-справочник становления и развития науки и техники, начиная с каменного века и до наших дней. Серьезная книга, которую легко и увлекательно читать. Пригодится ESP студентам и преподавателям, а также всем, кто задается вопросами: что, где, когда и как. In this age of genetic engineering and global warming, it is more important than ever to understand the history and current trends of science and technology. With so much information out there, though, it' s hard to know where to start. That' s where The History of Science and Technology -- the most comprehensive and up-to-date chronology of its kind -- comes in.
Concepts are the glue that holds our mental world together.Our concepts embody much of our knowledge of the world, telling us what things there are and what properties they have. It may not seem to be a great intellectual achievement to identify a bulldog or to know what to do with a tomato, but imagine what our lives would be like without such a conceptual ability. We might know the things we had experienced in the past—a particular chair, our bed, the breakfast we had today, our science teacher, etc.
Earth Time Exploring the Deep Past from Victorian England to the Grand Canyon
by Douglas Palmer
The dramatic history of planet Earth and the rocky road to understanding the past
* A probing account of the history of the earth and an introduction to the many eccentric characters that have attempted to understand its origins.
* Full of fascinating anecdotes about 19th century explorers and natural philosophers who first carved up Earth's history just as others were carving up the globe.
* Unravels the fascinating history of rock strata and the implications they have had on accepted theories on the Earth's life.
* Considers the future of the earth, and what a repeat of some of the catastrophic events of the earth's past, such as major earthquakes and asteroid collisions, could mean for life today.
Anxiety, Depression and Emotion by Richard J. Davidson
This unique volume focuses on the relationship between basic research in emotion and emotional dysfunction in depression and anxiety. Each chapter is authored by a highly regarded scientist who looks at both psychological and biological implications of research relevant to psychiatrists and psychologists. And following each chapter is engaging commentary that raises questions, illuminates connections with other bodies of work, and provides points of integration across different research traditions. Topics range from stress, cognitive functioning, and personality to affective style and behavioral inhibition, and the book as a whole has significant implications for understanding and treating anxiety disorders.
The Child Care Handbook is designed to help with one of your most important tasks as a parent—finding and selecting care for your child. This handbook includes information about different types of child care, ideas and lists to use when you’re choosing care, and tips on what you can do to make child care a positive experience for you and your family.
Child Care Handbook is designed to help with one of your most important tasks as a parent—finding and selecting care for your child. This handbook includes information about different types of child care, ideas and lists to use when you’re choosing care, and tips on what you can do to make child care a positive experience for you and your family.