Ultimate Word Success is a great way to have fun while building vocabulary. Standardized test-takers (GED, PSAT/NMSQT*, SAT* ACT®, and TOEFL) can sharpen their skills with hundreds of fun exercises and practice test questions. Readers will surely build a bigger and better vocabulary and quickly learn new "test-worthy" words through the numerous word games, quizzes, and puzzles that are both entertaining and educational.
Английское словообразование. English Word Formation
Цель пособия - систематизация теоретического и практического учебного материала по английскому словообразованию. В теоретической части рассматриваются смысловые функции суффиксов и приставок со списками однотипно образованных слов и приведена удобная в использовании таблица по словообразованию. Практическая часть обеспечена большим объемом упражнений, выстроенных по тематическому принципу (существительное, глагол, прилагательное, наречие, отрицательные слова), с последующим переходом на упражнения-ситуации. Предназначено для подготовки к централизованному тестированию и экзамену, а также для самостоятельного изучения английского языка.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68078.20 | Exam Materials, Other exams, Audio | 12 January 2011
PTE Young Learners is designed to be interesting and fun for children and aims to make first experiences of learning English memorable and motivating. There are four levels: Firstwords, Springboard, Quickmarch,Breakthrough
The test is created around the everyday adventures of the Brown Family.
Children are tested on their ability to use structures and functions in realistic contexts and, later on in the series, on their ability to use language to carry out specific communicative tasks.
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68078.20 | Exam Materials, Other exams, Audio | 12 January 2011
PTE Young Learners is designed to be interesting and fun for children and aims to make first experiences of learning English memorable and motivating. There are four levels: Firstwords, Springboard, Quickmarch,Breakthrough
The test is created around the everyday adventures of the Brown Family.
Children are tested on their ability to use structures and functions in realistic contexts and, later on in the series, on their ability to use language to carry out specific communicative tasks.