A comprehensive tool to help boost your score on the English, Reading, and Writing portions of the ACT. If you're one of the more than 1.9 million high school students who take the ACT every year and want to boost your English, Reading, and Writing score, than this is the ideal study resource for you! McGraw-Hill Education's Conquering ACT English, Reading, and Writing, Fourth Edition is the most complete, in-depth review guide available for all of the verbal topics tested on the ACT.
600 Essential Words For Toeic -Second Edition (Book+Audio)
Added by: mandisha_2010 | Karma: 674.78 | Exam Materials, Other exams | 2 July 2020
600 Essential Words For Toeic -Second Edition (Book+Audio)
This booklet is provided TOEIC vocabulary needed for TOEIC - Test exam in English for International Communication ( Test of English for International Communication) . Reuploaded Thanks to babakinfos
Junior High School Final Exam in English 25th April 2013 (egzamin gimnazjalny)
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other exams, Reupload Needed | 3 June 2020
Junior High School Final Exam in English 25th April 2013 (egzamin gimnazjalny)
A set od original exam papers with answers and scripts. Features basic and extended versions. Covers all exam tasks - listening, reading, writing, and grammar.
More people get into medical school with a Kaplan MCAT course than all major courses combined. Now the same results are available with Kaplan’s MCAT Complete 7-Book Subject Review. This book features thorough subject review, more questions than any competitor, and the highest-yield questions available. The commentary and instruction comes directly from Kaplan MCAT experts and includes targeted focus on the most-tested concepts plus more questions than any other guide. These prep books simulate, better than anything else on the market, the experience of a one-on-one session with our top-rated instructors.
Added by: maximadman | Karma: 1534.63 | Coursebooks, Matura Exam, Other exams | 2 March 2020
New English File Pre-Intermediate MATURA Workbook
New English File to nowoczesny kurs, który z łatwością dostosuje się do potrzeb każdej klasy. Jego długość można modulować skracając podręcznik do 60 godzin lub wydłużając do 120.