PTE Advantage for Academic Module This book is designed as per the needs of all the PTE (Academic) aspirants within and outside India. The structured approach of the book ensures that the aspirants score well beyond their own expectations. The content of the book is enriched with tips, strategies, examples, practice exercises, answers and explanations. The book first provides examination related information followed by four chapters corresponding to different sections of the test—Speaking & Writing, Reading and Listening. Although the Speaking & Writing section represents a single section, it is dealt in form of two separate chapters for better clarity and comprehension.
Added by: LadyArvena | Karma: 28.86 | Other exams, Audio | 3 April 2021
Egzamin ósmoklasisty. Practice Tests II
Zbiór przykładowych zestawów egzaminacyjnych przygotowanych zgodnie z wytycznymi zawartymi w Informatorze o egzaminie ósmoklasisty z języka angielskiego od roku szkolnego 2018/2019. Testy zawierają pięć zestawow egzaminacyjnych, dodatkowe ćwiczenia, klucz oraz zapis nagrań.
Audio dostepne na stronie (info w środku). Poziom A2/B1.
Added by: panarang | Karma: 451.45 | Exam Materials, Other exams | 28 December 2020
SQA National 5 English: Language Skills
Successfully develop the key language skills that students must demonstrate across the National 5 English assessments. Covering reading, writing, talking and listening - vital skills for learning, life and work - this course companion helps students to fulfil their potential at N5 and beyond.
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other exams, Reupload Needed | 20 October 2020
A supplementary booklet for "Opportunities" course. Focuses on "writing" part of the matura exam in its basic and extended version. Presents typical exam tasks along with useful hints. Key to exercises included.