INVALSI is Italian standardized national test for 5 Year students (end Primary school = A1).COMPONENTS INVALSI test of English READING, LISTENING, USE OF ENGLISH.
Summary description GSE 22-29 (A1)
• learners begin to generate basic language independently, rather than solely relying on memorized chunks
• have a basic repertoire of mostly concrete words, simple phrases and functional language related to:
-personal details
-routine everyday situations
-very familiar topics
-topics related to school subjects
• dependent on simplified input, clear, slow speech and structured support e.g. visuals, cues, prompts, written models etc’
Reading - 30 minutes
3-4 tasks Reading •Text (max. length 110 words) •Comprehension questions ( 3-8 questions)
Two types of reading skills needed •Quick selective reading •Careful reading
Types of text :authentic, in keeping with the A1 descriptors of the CEFR
Types of questions multi-choice,T/F questions, matching, questions with short answers (max 4 words)
Instructions in English: always formulated in the same way
Listening - 30 minutes
3-4 tasks •Tracks to listen to (max 2 minutes in length) •Comprehension questions ( 3-8 questions)
Two types of listening skills needed •Quick selective listening •Careful listening
Types of listening tracks: authentic, in keeping with the A1 descriptors of the CEFR
Types of questions : multi-choice, T/F questions, matching, questions with short answers
Instructions in English : always formulated in the same way
Use of English A1