Front Matter....Pages i-viiiIntroduction....Pages 1-5 Rhetoric and Rightness: Some Fallacies in a Science of Language....Pages 7-29 Construing and Deconstructing....Pages 30-65 The Literary Transaction....Pages 66-85 The Teaching of Poetry....Pages 86-100 Seizing the Shining Reality: the Novel in the Classroom....Pages 101-115 Teaching the Novel: the Creative Word in Great Expectations....Pages 116-133 Creative Writing: Can It Be Taught?....Pages 134-145 Writing: Self-Consciousness and a Change in Reality?....Pages 146-157 What Is Language for?: a Functional View of the Language Arts....Pages 158-176 Language, Literature and the Computer....Pages 177-196 Canadian Literature in the Secondary Curriculum....Pages 197-210Back Matter....Pages 211-215
Full PDF up-4.netaidmoh( Karma:2736.65) 1 April 2019 21:35
The Creating Word: Papers from an International Conference on the Learning and Teaching of English in the 1980s uploadboy.MErtyhrtyhr58758( Karma:381.29) 2 April 2019 02:35