100 IDEAS: QUICK - EASY - INSPIRED - OUTSTANDING The move from primary to secondary school can be an anxious and scary time for a lot of children and is often the cause of poor or little academic progress for some time after the transition. Develop your understanding of the worries children will face and support your class through this difficult time using this comprehensive collection of quick-to-implement activities and teaching strategies. Molly Potter, an experienced primary teacher, suggests the type of information that can be gathered from secondary schools to help familiarise pupils with the next stage of their education, as well as activities that will help address their main anxieties, such as fear of bullying and getting lost. The ideas will help children to feel more positive about the move, and there is also advice on how to support parents and carers through the transition process. If you are a Year 6 teacher or if you are responsible for secondary transfer your school, this book is for you. The activities and ideas can be used to create an extremely effective transition package for your pupils that will thoroughly prepare them for their move to secondary school. Includes: Teaching tips, taking it further ideas, bonus ideas, quotes from teachers and pupils, tips for involving parents and carers.
BOOK - 100 Ideas for Primary Teachers - Transition to Secondary School (2015, True PDF, 129 pages, 1.1 MB) filedwon.inforobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 6 June 2015 23:47
BOOK - 100 Ideas for Primary Teachers - Transition to Secondary School (2015, True PDF, 129 pages, 1.1 MB) rapidfileshare.netrobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 6 June 2015 23:48
BOOK - 100 Ideas for Primary Teachers - Transition to Secondary School (2015, True PDF, 129 pages, 1.1 MB) nornar.comrobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 6 June 2015 23:48