Учебное пособие представляет собой практический курс английского языка для магистров и аспирантов вузов всех специальностей. Уровень овладения английским языком – высокий (Advanced). Методическая значимость и новизна пособия заключается в представлении стратегий послевузовского изучения иностранного языка в магистратуре и аспирантуре на основе современных стандартов компетентностного подхода в процессе формирования специалистов, на высоком уровне владеющих иностранным языком. В пособии представлено большое количество текстов и упражнений, содержащих стратегии обучения иностранному языку, позволяющих магистрам и аспирантам овладеть методикой самостоятельной работы послевузовского изучения иностранного языка. Справочные материалы обеспечены глоссарием, содержащим методические и общие термины, и ключами к курсу обучения.
English Language Master’s and PhD: This Study Guide is an Advanced Level (C1) manual for English practical studies aimed at training post-graduate students specializing in different fields of science and striving for Master's and PhD degrees. The key feature of the guide is that it implies the newest standards of competency approach to study English as a post-graduate course. The guide offers a great number of texts and exercises to brush up English fluency of post-graduate students at Advanced level. It also includes Glossary and Answer Keys.
Totally Suitable and very practical for non-Russian speakers of Engish!l
Preface Start Learning Why do we choose postgraduate studies? Postgraduate programs and research degrees Types of postgraduate programs Reference skills: the card catalogue Check yourself Units 1-4 Listening skills Making a speech Strategies to testing: standardized tests Vocabulary tests: synonyms and antonyms; base words; root words; prefixes, suffixes; clipped words (shortening); blended words; words from sounds; borrowed words Check yourself Units 5-8 Vocabulary tests: homophones, homographs, analogies, completion sentence tests: word meaning items Reading comprehension tests Tests of standard written English Precis Check yourself Units 9-12 Abstract Writing a research report: main ideas Writing supporting details in a research report: description Writing supporting details in a research report: expository writing Check yourself Units 13-16 Writing supporting details in a research report: using strategies to persuade Abstract of thesis Strategies to prewriting the research paper: introduction to the research paper, discovering subjects, choosing and limiting a subject, gathering information, analyzing, evaluating sources Strategies to prewriting the research paper: developing the working thesis statement, taking notes, summarizing, organizing your notes, outlining Strategies to writing the research paper: drafting, revising, editing, publishing Check yourself Units 17-21 Keys Glossary