- 26 issues in 12 months - Features stories currently making the international news - Articles, written in an easy-to-read style, include latest news plus background information and explanation - Each issue is accompanied by two sets of activities/worksheets and the respective answer keys - Articles featured reflect no political or religious bias - Stories are reported factually and every attempt is made to feature both sides of any situation in which opinions differ - Focus on international news events that shape and affect the world that we all live in today - Carries no advertising
In this issue:
Madagascar’s tree gardeners Berlin Wall 25th anniversary Fallstreak holes explained Philippine typhoon remembered APEC 2014 Poppies at the Tower Yasakuni shrine solution? Big Circles of the Middle East photographed Uprising in Burkina Faso Earhart’s missing plane clue Rare musk deer sighted Spaceplane accident Border crossing attack Student deaths’ outcry Midterm elections in USA Mosquito’s and infrared Anzac troopship centenary Catalonia’s unofficial vote Glossary Crossword and Wordsearch Puzzle
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 236 - Issue 2014-11-13 (True PDF, 78 pages, 5.8 MB) filedwon.inforobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 15 November 2014 13:17
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 236 - Issue 2014-11-13 (True PDF, 78 pages, 5.8 MB) hulkload.comrobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 15 November 2014 13:18
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 236 - Issue 2014-11-13 (True PDF, 78 pages, 5.8 MB) rapidfileshare.netrobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 15 November 2014 13:19
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 236 - Issue 2014-11-13 (True PDF, 78 pages, 5.8 MB) rg.torobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 15 November 2014 13:20
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 236 - Issue 2014-11-13 (True PDF, 78 pages, 5.8 MB) sibit.netrobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 15 November 2014 13:21
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 236 - Issue 2014-11-13 (True PDF, 78 pages, 5.8 MB) nitroflare.comrobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 15 November 2014 13:23
MAGAZINE with ACTIVITIES - Newsademic – British and American English - Number 236 - Issue 2014-11-13 (True PDF, 78 pages, 5.8 MB) nornar.comrobin1997( Karma:23036.80) 15 November 2014 13:24