The CD-ROM includes interactive games as well as hundreds of practice exercises, providing further practice for every unit, audio recordings, customisable tests and a built-in dictionary. You can even record your voice and listen back to practise pronunciation.
Test Your English Vocabulary in Use Elementary 2nd edition can be used on its own or with the companion volume English Vocabulary in Use Elementary 2nd edition. It is a handy book of tests covering the vocabulary practised in English Vocabulary in Use Elementary 2nd edition.

Preview Book p, 28, 29 Test book p. 17

CD ROM Interface

Run directly from autostart.exe or Run English Vocabulary in Use from the CD.exe, not require installation.
1. Book (174 pages, PDF, 45.8 MB in RAR)
2. Test Book (96 pages, PDF, 24 MB in RAR)
3, 4, 5. CD ROM (.exe, 214 MB in RAR, 3 parts: 2x 95.3 MB; 23.2 MB)