Revise ForMatura Repetytorium is a compendium helping students to prepare for the Matura exam at the advanced level.
Written by a team of experts in the field of teaching English language, it lets the students not only revise grammar and vocabulary material, but also develop exam strategies, thus providing a thorough preparation for the Matura at both levels.
- Matura Skills Builder explains all kinds of exam tasks at both levels and also contains practice exam tasks of all types
- Matura Grammar Builder includes exercises for grammar practice
- 2 Audio CDs include audio material for listening comprehension exercises as well as some model (evaluated) oral exam task
- One full Matura mock exam
OCR version by ysiulec

1. Book (RS, 23,8 MB / 25,5 MB)
2. Book (IF, 23,8 MB / 25,5 MB)
3. Audio CD1 (31 x mp4, 58,3 MB)
4. Audio CD2 (32 x mp4, 67,1 MB)
5. Keys (0,36 MB / 0,4 MB)